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Accelerating Student Learning
The Need for Urgency and Innovation

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For its second Competitiveness Conversation Series event, the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership (MACP) partnered with the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE) to convene an important and timely discussion about the urgency of addressing learning loss.

 In Accelerating Student Learning: The Need for Urgency and Innovation, we underscore the urgency for state policymakers to employ proven strategies and leverage available resources to ensure that the pandemic's impact on Massachusetts' educational achievement is a temporary setback rather than a generational hindrance to countless lives and the state's economic future.

mitigate the pandemic’s negative impacts over the next few years.


Three years later, we've gained a clearer understanding of how the pandemic affected student learning, chronic absenteeism, and the disparities among communities and student groups. 

In November 2020, MBAE and MACP came together to develop a report documenting the challenges that were on the horizon because of the school closures and transition to remote learning that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. That report, entitled Choosing a Return to Better: Moving Beyond Normal in the Commonwealth’s Return to School and Learning, unpacked the current thinking on how the pandemic had started to impact student learning – and what policy areas may be of interest to policymakers seeking to

Presentation by Karen Hawley Miles, CEO of Education Resource Strategies

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