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Closing the Digital Divide in Massachusetts

  • An Action Plan for the State to Promote Digital Equity

  • A Report on Digital Equity in Affordable Housing

Ensuring digital equity is of paramount importance for Massachusetts' competitiveness in the modern era. As an innovation-driven state, Massachusetts boasts a robust technology sector and a wealth of educational institutions that drive economic growth. However, without equitable access to digital resources and skills, a significant portion of the population risks being left behind. In a rapidly evolving global economy, digital literacy and access to online opportunities are fundamental prerequisites for workforce participation and entrepreneurial ventures. By bridging the digital divide, Massachusetts can unlock the full potential of its diverse talent pool, fostering a more inclusive, innovative, and dynamic economy. This will not only empower individuals and communities but also enhance the state's overall competitiveness on the national and international stage.

In order to support efforts to close the digital divide, MACP has partnered with MassINC on two pieces of research: in 2022, a comprehensive action plan for state, community, and private and institutional partners, and as a follow up in 2023, a report focusing on the need for targeted investments towards digital equity in affordable housing developments.

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